Photo of Robert BurtonPhoto of Lorraine M. CamposPhoto of Peter J. Eyre

Continuing his trend of fulfilling the promises set forth in his Contract with the American Voter, President Trump, on January 30, 2017, issued an Executive Order mandating the elimination of at least two existing regulations for every new regulation issued.  In particular, the order explains that “whenever an executive department or agency…publicly proposes for notice and comment or otherwise promulgates a new regulation, it shall identify at least two existing regulations to be repealed.”  In this way, the Administration intends to offset “any new incremental costs associated with new regulations….” Notably, however, the definition of regulation does not include: (1) “regulations issued with respect to a military, national security, or foreign affairs function of the United States”; (2) “regulations related to agency organization, management, or personnel;” or (3) “any other category of regulations exempted by the Director.”

Though implementation guidance is forthcoming from the Director of the Office of Management and Budget’s (“OMB”), the order explains that, for fiscal year 2017, “the total incremental cost of all new regulations…to be finalized this year” cannot exceed zero, “unless otherwise required by law or consistent with” the OMB Director’s advice.  Moreover, beginning in fiscal year 2018, “and for each fiscal year thereafter, the head of each agency” must “identify, for each regulation that increases incremental cost, the offsetting regulations…and provide the agency’s best approximation of the total costs or savings associated with each new regulation or repealed regulation.”  According to the Order, agencies will not be permitted to exceed the total amount of incremental costs established by the OMB Director during the Presidential budget process for each fiscal year and only approved regulations – as the OMB Director identifies in the Unified Regulatory Agenda – will be issued.

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Photo of Robert Burton Robert Burton

Robert A. Burton is a partner with Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. He is a nationally-recognized federal procurement attorney, an expert witness on government contracts issues in federal court and arbitration proceedings, and a leader who…

Robert A. Burton is a partner with Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. He is a nationally-recognized federal procurement attorney, an expert witness on government contracts issues in federal court and arbitration proceedings, and a leader who assists government contractors with navigating the complex and rule-driven procurement process. He represents a wide range of companies that conduct business with the federal government, from large defense contractors and systems integrators to small businesses.

Photo of Lorraine M. Campos Lorraine M. Campos

Lorraine M. Campos is a partner and member of the Steering Committee of Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group and focuses her practice on assisting clients with a variety of issues related to government contracts, government ethics, campaign finance, and lobbying laws. Lorraine…

Lorraine M. Campos is a partner and member of the Steering Committee of Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group and focuses her practice on assisting clients with a variety of issues related to government contracts, government ethics, campaign finance, and lobbying laws. Lorraine regularly counsels clients on all aspects of the General Services Administration (GSA) and the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) Federal Supply Schedule (FSS) programs. She also routinely advises clients on the terms and conditions of these agreements, including the Price Reduction Clause, small business subcontracting requirements, and country of origin restrictions mandated under U.S. trade agreements, such as the Trade Agreements Act and the Buy American Act. Additionally, Lorraine advises life sciences companies, in particular, pharmaceutical and medical device companies, on federal procurement and federal pricing statutes, including the Veterans Health Care Act of 1992.

Lorraine has been ranked by Chambers USA since 2013, and she was recognized by Profiles in Diversity Journal as one of their “Women Worth Watching” for 2015. Additionally, Lorraine is active in the American Bar Association’s Section of Public Contract Law and serves as co-chair of the Health Care Contracting Committee.

Photo of Peter J. Eyre Peter J. Eyre

Peter J. Eyre is a partner and co-chair of Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group. He is also a member of the firm’s Management Board. Peter was named to BTI Consulting Group’s list of “Client Service All-Stars” in 2016, 2017, and 2019 and…

Peter J. Eyre is a partner and co-chair of Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group. He is also a member of the firm’s Management Board. Peter was named to BTI Consulting Group’s list of “Client Service All-Stars” in 2016, 2017, and 2019 and has been named an Acritas Star, Acritas Stars Independently Rated Lawyers (2016, 2017, 2019). He is nationally ranked by Chambers USA in Government Contracts since 2014, and by Super Lawyers since 2017.