Next Thursday, August 8th, at 1:00 PM Eastern, join me and my colleagues Richard Arnholt and Addie Cliffe as we present a webinar on the sweeping new statutory and regulatory provisions pertaining to avoidance of counterfeit parts. The 2012 National Defense Authorization Act tasked DoD with mitigating the risks posed to its supply chain by counterfeit parts. In response, DoD has issued guidance, instructions, and, most recently, proposed regulations, all of which will impose new requirements on contractors that will increase the cost and risk of participation in the DoD supply chain. Join us as we discuss what led to these statutes and regulations, what the current requirements are, and what the future may hold. Though the proposed regulations claim to only apply to large businesses, we will discuss how the proposed regulations would impact businesses of all sizes and at all levels of the DoD supply chain. We will also provide practical tips on how you can help get your business ahead of the curve on these initiatives.

Register now to join us for this important discussion about this significant compliance shift at:

Please note, L2 Federal Resources requires a registration fee for its webinars.