On November 16, hundreds of government contractors joined us for a webinar about the new personal conflicts of interest (“PCI”) requirements and the new implementing FAR provision, 52.203-16. It was a lively discussion and we explored some of the questions and challenges relating to this new requirement. In case you missed it, a recording of the
Personal Conflict of Interest
Webinar: Understanding and Implementing the New FAR Contractor Personal Conflict of Interest Provisions
By James G. Peyster on
Posted in Legal Developments
We invite you to join us on November 16 at 3pm EST for a complimentary webinar, “Understanding and Implementing the New FAR Contractor Personal Conflict of Interest Provisions.”
On November 2, 2011, the FAR Councils issued a final rule amending the Federal Acquisition Regulation (“FAR”) to include new provisions governing personal conflicts of interest …