In a series of posts (Part 1), I’m examining the Department of Justice’s annual Summary of False Claims Act cases and recoveries to see what these statistics might reveal about FCA enforcement trends. In the first post, we looked at the rising number of new FCA matters that were filed last year. But
Department of Justice
Trends In False Claims Act Enforcement – Part 1
By Crowell & Moring on
Posted in False Claims
Less than a week before most people departed for December holidays, the Department of Justice posted to its website its annual summary of False Claims Act matters and recoveries. Among other data points, the FY 2012 summary reports the number of new FCA “matters” that were filed or opened, both by qui tam relators and…
DOJ IG Notes Issues With Implementation of Statutory Debarment Authorities
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Posted in Suspension & Debarment
In a June 2012 audit report, the Department of Justice Inspector General notes widespread problems with DOJ’s administration of two types of statutory debarments. The lengthy report, along with the responses from various DOJ divisions, highlight the continued attention being paid to suspension and debarment by federal agencies and the significant efforts being made…