…and passing on this wonderful tip from the WaPo on what NOT to pack in your airplane carry-on bag:
2. Any kind of throwing weapon meant for ninjas.
At airports around the country last week, the TSA found 16 knuckle knives at Dulles, throwing knives at the San Jose and Long Beach airports, and a throwing star in Las Vegas.
Just in case the full list is helpful to anyone, it can be found at the bottom of this story:http://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/as-the-senate-breaks-for-recess-obamas-nominees-are-left-twisting-in-the-wind/2014/08/04/26a0dd96-1c13-11e4-82f9-2cd6fa8da5c4_story.html?tid=hpModule_f8335a3c-868c-11e2-9d71-f0feafdd1394&hpid=z10