Last November, we reported on the impact that SBA’s suspension of GTSI had on the government contracting community. We wondered if the GTSI suspension was the beginning of a new enforcement trend by the SBA. Now, almost six months after that suspension, it is clear that the GTSI suspension was just the beginning.
The SBA has made enforcement a priority and we have seen clients come into the SBA’s crosshairs for what have historically been trivial violations of regulations. As a result, contractors are now scrambling to both understand and address a broad range of small business compliance issues. We want to share our knowledge and experience with these small business compliance matters and help you navigate the issues and associated risks that your company might be facing.
We hope that on Thursday, April 7, 2011, from 2:30-3:45 EDT, you can join Amy O’Sullivan, Richard Arnholt and Gunjan Talati from Crowell & Moring’s Government Contracts Group, and Jacob Blass, the President of Ethical Advocate, to discuss:
• The current environment of SBA “enforcement”
• How will recent changes to SBA regulations impact small business compliance?
• Heightened risk areas for small businesses
• Heightened risk areas for large companies working with small businesses
• Compliance – what does the law require?
• How important is an ethical cultural?
• How can attention to compliance increase the value of a small business?
The webinar will be interactive and we will answer your questions as time allows. To register, please click here. We look forwarding to seeing you on April 7!