Federal agencies love green building certification.  According to the United States Green Building Council, 14 federal agencies have implemented initiatives supporting LEED certification, a type of green building rating system.

I had never quite understood why federal agencies were so focused on green building certification for new construction projects. That was, until I read this:

U.S. agencies are required to have 15 percent of their existing building inventory incorporate sustainable elements by 2015 under Executive Order 13423, signed by George W. Bush in 2007.

To comply with the order, the Department of Veterans Affairs aims to have 21 facilities reviewed and rated by third-party green building systems by the close of this year.

“Reaching the goal of 21 third-party certifications in 2010 will make VA a leading example of green achievement,” said Secretary of Veterans Affairs Eric K. Shinseki in a prepared statement. “We will proudly reach and surpass the 15 percent requirement before 2015.”

In order to demonstrate sustainable elements in its existing building stock and satisfy Executive Order 13423, Veterans Affairs is obtaining Green Globes certification for existing buildings. As we move closer to 2015, obtaining green building certification for a federal building will be an important step towards an agency’s compliance with Executive Order 13423.

The consequences are growing for failing to achieve green building certification. Simultaneously, the importance of negotiating a balanced green building contract is also growing.

Related Links:

15 Veterans Affairs Medical Centers Attain Green Globes Certification (GreenerBuildings)