As of the morning of March 8, 2023, is experiencing an unexpected outage and the system also appears to be generating false emails. Until this issue is resolved, companies and administrators should consider refraining from clicking on any links or email addresses within any email received until the system is confirmed as fully
System for Award Management
New Rule Requires Contractors to Report Data for DoD Service Contracts in SAM
By Peter J. Eyre & Laura J. Mitchell Baker on
Posted in Legal Developments
On July 9, 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) published a Final Rule to require contractors to report data in the System for Award Management (SAM) on an annual basis when they are awarded a DoD contract or task order that: (1) is valued in excess of $3 million, and (2) is for logistics…
By Peter J. Eyre on
Posted in Legal Developments
On July 29, 2012, the government launched the System for Award Management, known as SAM, which consolidated the Central Contractor Registration (CCR), the Online Representations and Certifications Application (ORCA), and the Excluded Parties List System (EPLS). CCR and ORCA are no longer accepting new or updated submissions, so contractors may be particularly interested in…